My Story


My story

Yoga and energy work has helped me to balance my life, both personal and professional.

I discovered Yoga in my early twenties. I don’t remember exactly how I was guided to yoga but I remember reading a book called Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation that had an impact on me. I realized I was part of something much greater than myself. I gave birth to my daughter at the age of fifteen and was blessed with the support of my parents and family. I wanted to be a responsible parent and independantly raise my daughter. Yoga brought a spiritual aspect to my life that gave me strength and confidence to work through whatever life brought my way.

I studied with Sandra Sammartino, a gifted yoga leader from White Rock British Columbia for over 35+ years.  I travelled to B.C. for workshops and retreats and Sandra travelled to Winnipeg twice a year to offer the same. I completed my Teacher Training Certification with Sandra in July 2001.

“This is the reason I call what I teach, simply, YOGA. It reflects all Yoga systems and once understood, all paths are available to us for what they have to offer. And, once the experience is gained, we are free to move on and deepen our Yoga practices with other systems or, eventually, from within ourselves. By understanding what Yoga does and where we are on the continuum, we step out of the box, beyond the various forms of  Yoga and develop the wisdom and FREEDOM to negotiate our OWN journeys.” Quote from Sandra Sammartino.

Looking back over my life from childhood I struggled with shyness and anxiety,  which carried on throughout my teens and adulthood. I welcomed my beautiful daughter into my life at the age of 15 and became a grandmother at the age of 35. I’ve lost people close to me through suicide, accident and disease. I helped to provide palliative care to both of my parents. I’ve struggled with health issues which have included digestive disorders and body pain. I’ve learned that I’m a Highly Sensitive Person and that fifteen to twenty percent of the population has this trait. It’s also called Sensory Processing Sensitiviy.

Yoga has been the most influential and saving grace of my life for the last 40+ years. It has kept me present to move through life, in whatever form that takes. To feel the emotions, sense my needs and be open to insights.

I’ve learned and continue to realize that life is a work in progress. I’ve finally realized that I’m enough, that I’m worthy and that I don’t have to please anyone. And I feel much joy and happiness in my life!

Breathwork, or Pranayama, Meditation and Asana have helped me to be present, quiet my busy mind and soothe my active nervous system.

More recently in the last few years I’ve discovered Reiki after having some incredible healing experiences.  I’ve added Reiki to my practice professionally and would like to share it with you.

I’ve had a lifelong relationship with yoga. Through self study, personal practice, and retreats (both national and international) I live Yoga both on and off the mat. Yoga has helped to balance my life and given me the tools to deal with whatever the universe sends my way.